
Get Rid of Mice

Although mice can be extremely cute they are little pests that can eat the wiring in your house and cost you thousands of dollars. There are many ways to get rid of mice but you need to know if you are dealing with mice now the easiest way to know if you have a furry friend around your house is if you see one. If you only suspect that you have mice in your house then look for these tell tale signs.DroppingsYes that's right look for mouse droppings if you do have mice in your house they should be all over the place. They look like little ovals about 8mm long.Bite marksBite marks will be on pieces food if there are any then you know you have mice in your house.What can you do if you find you have mice?If you find mice you can always call an exterminator which will most likely cost you a few hundred dollars but why does that when you can catch him yourself. You will need a few supplies but you may not want to kill the mouse so we will cover a few air angry bird ways to catch him or kill him.An Air RifleAn Air rifle will kill mice almost defiantly if you are going to use an air rifle make sure you get one with more then 600 feet per second it should kill the mice with minimal effort only downside is it can make a mess and if you miss you may get a hole in the wall. To use an air rifle all you do is hold onto the barrel and then push down very hard until you hear a cocking noise you can now let go and the barrel will just stay there. Now insert a pellet and push the barrel to how it was before the gun is now loaded and you are ready to shoot some mice.A Mouse trapA mouse trap works by a spring compacting and then when something hits the lever the mouse trap bar will slam down and hold onto the mouse but it may or may not kill it. It depends on where it gets hit. To set up a mouse trap place some peanut butter on the wooden part of the trap then set the trap overnight and comeback the next morning and you may have a caught mouse.A bucket trapThis works by getting a bucket and then placing a couple of books on the ground and placing the bucket so the hollow part is facing down partially on the books and then tie some string around the books and then put Syma s107 upgrade some peanut butter on some paper in the middle of the bucket. Now wait for a mouse or mice to show up when they start to eat the peanut butter pull the rope and then the bucket should fall so that the are in it. Now get a big piece of card and slide it under the RC Air Swimmers bucket and flip the bucket upside down. Now place the mice outside and watch them scamper off.PetsSome pets like cats and dogs will catch mice for you just be nice to them and remeber to feed them though.

